Saturday, November 12, 2011

Working with my hands

I have been blessed lately to have multiple weekends off. Which has allowed me to help around the house, ya know, contribute to the household. While shopping with my Grandmother last weekend a discussing about the bathroom came up, and she talked about how she wished that it would just look so much better than it did. Which led to her granting me full permission to do whatever I wanted to the bathroom. Now, our bathroom has a textured wall, and the previous owners were huge fans of wallpaper because every stinking room has wallpaper... It's horrible, but my Grandmother doesn't want to take it down. ( She's a fan of wallpaper too)

So this weekend it has been my personal mission to welcome out 1985 bathroom to the 21st century!

after much deliberation and many many trips to the Home Depot, I got started yesterday. When I finished painting the bathroom today I started reflecting on the things I like to do, and I made a discovery... I like to work with my hands!I like to make things, more-so, I like to see the end results in things. Case-in-point, if I start something I want to be able to see how it is finished. Like crocheting, I love to crochet... I love to bake (that's mainly because everyone that eats it loves it) I truly enjoy cleaning, and nothing brings me more joy than seeing carpet lines on a rug or carpet. I love laundry because you see a mess that is no longer there... you see the end result. I even feel the same about dishes.

So... I think that's why I pick really challenging things to do, like crocheting a blanket that's the size of a queen bed (first one). Or repainting a bathroom... which really really really needed it.

it was a great weekend of realizing more of my strengths. I can't wait to see when it's all done tomorrow!!!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The whirl-wind, that has become my Life

Four summers of camp has come and gone, literally in a blink of an eye. Now, I'm onto my first "big girl" job and the responsibility of being an adult is staring me right in the face. Not only that, I'm still....25... living with my parents... *dun dun dun*

Let's talk about that "big girl" job. I am a "caregiver to a kindergartner to a boy on the autism spectrium scale" Fancy right? I know... and it's good money too. However, lets put the fancy words in lamens terms... NANNY. Yep, thats right. N-A-N-N-Y aka... OTHER MOM. aka. you stay here with my kids, feed them, bathe them, do their homework, listen to them scream, while us parents go out for a "meeting". Yes. I love the kids, and no I wouldn't want to be doing anything else, mainly because a) I don't want to go back to school to become "certified" in something, and b) I was going to say easy... but that's not true.

I am going to take you on a trip down memory lane: Day one, I was supposed to get there at 12:00 (NOON0  but I was called to come in at 8:30. So eager Miss Amanda gets to their house at 8:15. On this bright sunny Tuesday, August day... which was my FIRST day, I get introduced to a VERY LARGE supplement regimine, all his cans and can-nots, a half hour bathtime routine, dinner, and bed... most of which ON MY OWN. It's been like this from then on.

I love what I do, it's very rewarding... but at the same time, when I am told "think long and hard about when you have kids" I do. or my favoite " Raising kids is the hardest job anyone could imagine" funny thing is... THAT'S MY JOB! and the majority of the time, I do it by myself. On days like yesterday and today... when the routine (which is oh so important for autism) is messed up it throws everyone out of wack, and it seems like we are never going to get out of it. Persistence is key, stability is key... it's  a shame when the stability is me. I hate that.

Now don't get me wrong. These kids don't want for anything and their mom loves them so much. She will fight to the ends of the earth for her kids. She will beat herself up over a decision that was made, or an action made without thinking... Life goes on... That's my motto.

Kids??? Yes.The oldest, who has autism. Which, he has autism, autism does not have him. He is not definied by autism. We are going to fight this, get him the best care we can, and help him live an independent, healthy, life. Then the youngest, who is much like having 3 kids at once. Her mother describers her as her "beautiful mess" Which is true, she is beautiful, and she is a handfull. An attention seeking, must be first, my-way-or-the-high-way type of leader. Challenging part: her mom and I are the same way. So we all go round and round. Add big brother to the mix, and it's a recipe for frustraton....if you don't know how to control your temper. On a day to day basis, Monday- Saturday I ususally have them myself.

All in all it's a wonderful job, that it would take alot to take me away from. I am learning something everyday, and eventhough, I never wanted to teach younger grades.I'm using my well debted degree in this job. For which, I am very thankful.

Now let me tell you that God story and you will be done reading this ever loving post. I remember this story WHENEVER my days are long. I remember this like yesterday. SO it was week 6 of camp, we were in Albany, Georgia. I had some rough volunteers. It was getting down to 2 more pay checks before I no longer had an income whatsoever. I have a hefty amount of student loans to pay back, and I needed a job. (sometimes I think I need another) My entire team had been praying for me all summer. Other WinShape staff had been praying for me, and I was just getting more and more scared as the time went on. I knew that God had something big planned, but by this time with 2 checks left... both of which belonged solely to Sallie Mae (sidenote: her smart options are NOT smart options). That evening I had finished all of my volunteer stuff, and I was checking my email when I got TWO not one but TWO messages from, which I had signed up for a long time ago, hoping for at least something. I knew that I could take care of kids, I knew that I was good at it, and I knew that people will pay good money for a good sitter. So I am reading my messages when they both say about the same thing. Both people want to interview me! So, I save the phone numbers, illegally bring my phone to camp, asked permission and called. It was about 40 minutes of me hearing about the kids, talking about where I live, and at the end of the conversation I hear "Amanda, I can't wait to meet you and get started" I was stunned. My Director and Assistant Director were standing in the room as tears welled up in my eyes. I managed a "I'm just as excited" and hung up. A wave of relief washed over me. I wish words could begin to describe the way I felt. It was like nothing ever before. It was like God was telling me the whole time "I've got your back Amanda, just quit being so worried all the time" Later that day I got to celebrate this HUGE victory with the rest of my camp family who was just as excited, and still are.

Now here's the real God story: I knew since leaving Jackson back in May, I would be moving home with my parents. Something that I DID NOT, and Still would rather not be doing. I knew that if I was supposed to stay in Jackson, that God would make a way for it to work.  The family I now work for is the type of family that always has had a "nanny" but they moved to Owensboro for the school system for their boy. Their previous nanny, was leaving a week before I got back to camp. I came at the perfect transtion time because I got there the day before he started school. So, it wasn't a huge change for him. He got a couple days with just his mom and sister, and then I came when he was learning the ropes of school. While picking him up from school one day, and talking with his mom, I asked her why she picked me? She said that she stepped back and asked God that the right person would 'land in her lap' so to speak. And, literally 5 minutes later, I called. Coincidence? I think not. Thanks God, for that reminder every time this gets frustrating or tiring. You are still faithful. Always.

Oh How I Love It!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Camp and God Moments

I have a few stories to share, and I just am so excited about what God is doing  and what he has done in these last three weeks of camp. In three week we have seen 42 children call Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior. It's amazing.
Alec's story:
Week two in Powder Springs Georgia, There is a camper with cerebral palsy. Let me backtrack for a second... a year ago, the mighty green team was going to eat at a Subway, but their credit card machine was broken, so we hopped back into our 15 passenger vans and went across the street to Arbys. There, inside Arbys we met Alec and his family. A couple of guys from our team started talking to him and his family while waiting for our food, and his mother (who was his adopted mother, because Alec was previously in foster care) expressed how she wished he could go to camp like that. Our director told him to come, that he promised it would be a great time and so the next day Alec showed up to camp. Now, onto how God grew this story even bigger this year.... We as a team heard that he was coming back. Alec was going to be in the Alpine!! His mom told us that he was so excited! I was excited just because it was such a good story, and more importantly, it was God's story. So the week goes on, and in one of our meetings at the end of the day we were expressing out cares and our feelings toward him and his family, and we all decided that we wanted to reimburse the family for camp. See, the day before, when Alec was getting dropped off, his mom told us about how they saved all year to send him to this one camp. That when WinShape camps c3 was brought up to him, a smile swooped across his face. The next morning, at registration a gift was donated of $200 for Alec family, my volunteer didn't know why she did it, but just felt that she should. (GOD IS SOOO GOOD!!) As leadership, we still decided that we would open it up to the staff that if they wanted to donate anything to this family then they were welcome to, but it was no pressure. We collected over $700 dollars as a staff. On Friday, at Chick-Fil-A Friday Family Fun Day we gave an envelope to the family...later to learn that the Dad recently lost his job due to illness and hospitalization costs were so expensive without insurance. Alec is needing multiple surgeries, and his poor mother was working all that she could just to take care of the family. It warms my heart to see how much God is doing in the lives of so many campers, beyond what I don't even see.

Satan's attack will not break us down!:
During week 2 we had MULTIPLE people get sick the stomach bug went around. For one day of camp we had 3 staffers missing. Now for the normal person, three people wouldn't make a difference. But in a setting like this we have people that are specifically trained for their jobs, and yes, someone usually can wing it and get by... but camp suffers. USUALLY. Let me tell you... Those 150 campers didn't know that we were staffers down. We have a staff full of people that know how to hold each other up. I swear my team is the epitome of Ephesians 4:29. SO encouraging. All the time, so faithful to Christ, and I am so thankful that we have a heart to ward off the enemy. Last week we were in the dirtiest school full of cockroaches and huge bugs and ants, but that didn't knock us down either. Currently I am nursing a pulled muscle but I'm giving the glory to God because he has something for me to do. He has a volunteer or a camper or a church staff for me to pour into and that's just what I'm going to do. I'm going to love the Lord, rejoice, and keep praying for Joy. God is good all the time. I will NOT LET SATAN WIN!

Please pray for the Green Team. Time is short. HOWEVER... God can do great things through us!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

LeAvIn' On A jEt PlAnE!!!!!

TOMORROW. I get to get up at 4:00 in the morning, get ready, drive 2 minutes to Union, pick up 5 people, load us up in Jeepy, drive 1.5 hours to Memphis, park, take the shuttle, check baggage, fight through security, get to our checkpoint, get on the flight and 3 hours later I will be in ORLANDO!!! There is so much I am looking forward to this weekend, and being that I have not used this nifty little tool, let me tell you what I am super looking forward to!!!

1) where I am going to be staying! Look at that picture!!!
2) no screaming kids for 4 whole days!
3) everything is FREE!!!
4) 4 days with camp friends.
5) having lots of fun!

I'm looking so forward to just spending some time away from Jackson, Nashville, and even Owensboro...  to get away and talk about having a great summer. By bringing glory and honor to God, and making sure that my volunteers this summer have the best week ever, fell appreciated, and make sure that they can give the campers the best experience ever! That's what we are there for... giving the campers a memorable experience!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Oh Goodness...

I just don't understand it. Why do kids fight sleep? As a professional self sufficient babysitter, it never fails... bed time or nap time, kids want to fight sleep! I often talk to my mom about my babysitting duties, and the fun I have had with with kids. She tells me that my own children won't have that problem, because I would/still will sleep anywhere. She said she used to find me sleeping under the table, beds, cement, grass, chair, blanket... I would sleep anywhere. Which is still true today. If I lay down for a minute, I can go to sleep with no problems, but it always blows my mind how for a good 20-30 minutes the littlest kids fight it! Do they think they are going to miss something? I usually tell them "It's okay, you're not going to miss anything while you're asleep. However, you're crabby and you need a nap." As I write this I have a 15 month old trying to sleep and I hear her talking away. She hasn't slept yet! I hate having to leave her to fall asleep on her own, but she is one of those independent -let me do it myself - type of kids. So I have to let her fight it out. Probably the biggest challenges of what I do, but it doesn't hurt them, and if it gets to the point, no worries, I take care of them and make sure they are okay!

However, I don't plan on being a babysitter for the rest of my life, I need to find a real job, and the search SUCKS! Just probably my new word, I am working C3 camp again this summer... super excited!! But alas, after camp I am moving back to Owensboro, Ky, to live with my Mom, Dad and Grandmother. BOO... I love my parents so so so much, but I don't like the idea of living with them when I am 25. I'm not looking forward to making friends, to finding a new church, to looking for a job... I want to stay in Tennessee, and I just pray that God grants the desires of my heart and provides them. I know whatever happens, it happens for a reason... AMEN. I gotta keep reminding myself that because I often become the 'woe is me' type of believer and God continues to show me that he, in fact, knows a whole lot more than I do.

So over a month left in my apartment, WAHOO! I'm so great full for how got worked all of that out. I mean really, my -annoying, motherly (in a bad way), always "sick", sneaky, manipulative, annoying, annoying, annoying, roommate signed the forms and was 100% wrong about getting out of our lease! Such a blessing... because that saved us over $600. When you're a broke duck like me, I will take what I can get. Hence the endless hours of babysitting.

Well the dishes are done, and the toys are picked up. The beautiful sleepy child is now asleep! Time for my lunch and to write some cover letters for my potential jobs. As well as search for some in Owensboro... Hmm... the joys of growing up! I believe there is a passage in the Bible that says "Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart" I need to keep HIM first, and the rest will fall into place, and the peace that passes all understanding will happen when I follow him. :)

"The joy of the Lord is my strength"
Oh How I love it!!!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sometimes you just wanna scream!

I didn't make coffee this morning "Why?", I'm not applying to that school, I don't like their mission statement "Why", I think I might move back home after camp this summer "Why?", I made a decision on my own and didn't ask your opinion"Why?",  Why did they wait so long to tell you? Why did your family move? Why does she act like that, why did you sign a contract with them? WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY!?!?!?!?! SHUT UP!

I hate being asked why, and above all else, I hate being asked WHY by adults (by which I mean those my age and older) Children, I will excuse you because honestly you just don't know. However, I don't feel like I need to explain myself over every little thing! I mean honestly, let me choose, let ME pick, let ME do what I decide. Don't ask my why I procrastinated so much. Don't ask me why I did what I did, or why I can't find a job. Half the time... If I KNEW I would tell you!!!

And here's another thing. I graduated, and I can't find a job. I'm not a "certified teacher" but I have EVERYTHING EXCEPT STUDENT TEACHING... that's it!!! So, lets forget the fact that America needs 100 thousand teachers who can teach Science, English, MIDDLE SCHOOL... but no, let's not give Amanda a job. I don't want to fill out another application, and frankly my printer refuses!

Whatabout that roommate of mine that likes to keep EVERYTHING  a stinking secret, then gets mad when she finds out it's possible to get out of the rent situation! I'm so over her sneaking around. I'm out in May and if she wants the 810/month per rent all on her own... go for it! AND if she wants to find new roommates to control, she can go ahead and try to find them. I fell for her fake act last year, it's not happening again. So wake up and smell the roses please, and realize that a) you are not our mother b) go where you really want to go... and quit acting like school and work is holding you back because c) your other two roommates see through your fakeness.... Sign the papers, call it good, and let's go our separate ways please!!! UGH... 

Alright, rant is over. I apologize to my  faithful readers, for this post not being a "oh how i love it" type of post, but sometimes you just gotta vent! :)

Friday, March 4, 2011

What would the world be like if kids got to do whatever they wanted....

Today I spent the morning at a wonderful families house that I have been babysitting at since Benjamin was 6 weeks old. Now another child later, and a full grown 2 year old boy later... It hit me today that I have been babysitting since I was about 12 years old.

In my years of babysitting and many many many families later, I have won many fights with kids. Fights against nap, dinner time, bath, food, clothes,things that are unsafe to play with...and answered the "why" question more times than I can count. In all of this, usually when they are snuggled in bed and I have earned my mulah at the end of the night, when I am driving home, I think... What would the world be like if kids got to do whatever they wanted...

Think on that a minute... I constantly tell the kids not to eat something, not to climb on something, don't hit, don't scream, don't run in the house, put shoes on, leave their underwear on, don't throw a fit... and I have mastered the tuning out. I am currently a "nanny" (kinda, I watch her for 2 full days a week..) for a 15 month old who is the MOST STUBBORN CHILD I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH. My favorite phrase is " I will win!" This girl will put up a fight, let me tell you... If I let her do whatever she wanted to do, she wouldn't eat anything... not a thing except oyster crackers, and only drink milk. She would never nap, and I would be covered in bruises because if she doesn't get her way she goes to hitting! She would run around naked, never wear a diaper, probably ride the dogs backward, and rip the cat's tails off. Here's the thing... she's so cute, I can't help but give her lots of hugs and laugh at her the majority of the time! Which is a good thing. However, she doesn't get her way... I do win! She gets dressed, eats food... eventually..., does not climb on the dogs, leaves the cat's alone, and other things... I just love their little minds and how they work. I cannot even begin to think what life would be like if I let her do whatever she wanted. LOL.... When I leave at the end of the night I always am greatful to sit down for the 5 minute drive home, or to the next house to babysit! I wonder what life will be life when I have my own?!?! kinda makes me laugh...

Funny thing is... I don't have kids, I'm no where near having a family of my own anytime soon. But one day, when God decides that it's my time to procreate, I don't know how much thought I will have to put into being a mom because basically I have been taking care of kids of all ages for the majority of my life! 

What would your life be like if you let the kids in your life do whatever they wanted? I have 4 other families, and a whole lot of kiddies in the urban ministries that I could write about, but I figure I have rambled long enough for one blog. :-)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The game of Boggle... as compared to my life.

" Our God is greater, our God is stronger, our God is higher than any others... Our God is Healer AWESOME in power!! OUR GOD, OUR GOD" - Chris Tomlin (famous singer) Xaq Matthews (my favorite singer of it)

I cannot believe how much I have heard this song lately. Today was a hard day, career wise, for me today. I so badly, more than anything, want to be in front of my own classroom teaching middle schoolers about the most boring of subjects. I also can't believe how much God is teaching me and molding me and using me for his glory. It scares me to think of the things that might fall apart at any second, but God wants to keep me on my toes. 

God has the power to heal the sick and broken (whoot whoot for Kim's mom!!! For Darrel Manuel. For my Grandmother) God has the power to provide. God has the power to feed 5 thousand people on two loaves of bread and 5 fish from one child's lunch and not a single person was hungry... God provided manna to the Moses' people escaping out of Egypt. He used Moses who had a speech impediment, He used Jeremiah who was young to lead a country. He did things in lives of people I have never met, and yet I feel like my needs aren't as important. I feel like I'm being guilty if I ask for a new car because the transmission and brake booster is dying. Or praying for a job that is perfect for me is selfish because there are so many people out there looking for a job to pay the bills. I have so much to be thankful for, but it's so hard for me to pray for my needs. Which brings me to my life... (pretty intro huh?!?!)

I feel like my life has been a ginormous boggle game... As to which I was on a roll!!! I mean I was finding those 5 letter words and everything was making sense... I knew where I was going! It was good... then, the round was over and my game board was shook up!! Now, I can't read a single word... it's like my life is missing the vowels.... the little pieces that make life work. The job that pays the bills, the car that gets you to that job, the computer that keeps you connected (well that was provided because God is GOOD) the little things. The things that I need to be provided for, are being provided, but here in a few months I will have to pay off college, which is a pretty penny... and I start to regret all of the money I have spent here.

While Saying all of this, I know I sound like I'm not great full... I'm just scared. Really really really scared. I want so bad for things to work out, but I want God's will for my life more, because I know in the end he is going to get the glory.

I spent three hours at dinner tonight with a great friend just discussing God and his awesome plan. I just so badly wish I was a part of it... or could find the vowels in my boggle game. I'm sure to let you know when! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some days are better than others... even true in the world of baking!


So around 6:00 pm tonight I decided that I wanted to make some cinnamon rolls. So I did just that. I wrote out the directions, gathered my ingredients and went to baking. 4 hours later I am eating them. However, making cinnamon rolls from scratch... IS NOT WORTH IT! never have I ever made anything that in the end I proclaimed NEVER AGAIN.... today, my friends... (all three followers) I have met my match.... NEVER AGAIN WILL I MAKE CINNAMON ROLLS FROM SCRATCH. :)

Here is my suggestion... go to your favorite grocery store and buy the tube, bake and enjoy. the only thing you mess up in 1 BAKING PAN. Not the counters 4 times, 4 different bowls, and then 3 different cooking thingies. It will be worth it in the end to spend the 3.00 buck-a-roos on the pillsbury  cinnamon rolls! :)

There ya go, Free tip for today, buy your cinnamon rolls... tube and all, bake and enjoy!!! :)


I will be going to get me some next trip to the grocery store!! I just went today and wish that I would have bought some. 

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Barb... Oh how I love (ed) her!

I hear from a ton of families that I am their "star babysitter" or that they love how I interact with the kids. They love that I do the dishes before they get home, or will do little things like that. Well I had a babysitter who was the best babysitter I ever had. I often think of her when I babysit, like when I let the kids have an extra treat of some sort... or I might let them get away with watching  some extra television, or playing longer than allowed on something...but when it comes to them having to listen to me. I demand respect. :-) Barb did these things for me and let me tell her about her.

I remember watching television with her, we would watch stuff like "Murder She Wrote" or The Miss America Pageant. My mom and dad used to be on a bowling league when my brother and I were little, and Mom would tell her that we needed to be in bed no later than 10:00 because we had church the next morning. Barb would wait for my parents to pull in the driveway and she would have us RUN to our beds, we would hide under the covers and I would try my hardest to pretend I was asleep. I later found out that my mom knew all along that we ran to sleep when they got home, but she let Barb do it anyway. I found this out like 3 months ago... It made me laugh when I realized that mom knew all along. I thought that I was pulling the wool over her eyes this whole time!

I also remember times that she would do the dishes for my mom. I asked her one time why she always did the dishes for my mom and she just said that my mom works hard all day long and the last thing she probably wants to do is the dishes. It's the same thing that I try to do when I babysit.  There were other times that she would pick things up or just do things to make it easier. I loved that, now looking back I love that she cared not only for me and my brother, but she also took care of my mom.

Barb used to come over and have coffee  with my mom and sit on the front porch. She would stir her coffee with the weirdest things ever. Pencils, spoons, pens, her finger, anything she could find. Haha.... She lived in the only house that was across the street and we would build forts in the field that was on the side of her house. She took the ends of the cereal and poured them all into one container so there was a modge podge of a bunch of different cereal.

When I would get mad at my mom I used to threaten that I was going to run away to Barbs! One time my mom helped me pack my bags, called Barb and said, "Amanda is coming to live with you, take care of her!" So, I went to Barbs, then it was dinner time and the food was horrible (on purpose naturally) so I decided to go back home. 

She was the best. My first year here at Union, Barb lost her fight to cancer. I didn't get to go to her funeral. My best friend Megan is her Granddaughter, and she didn't make it to Megan's wedding, nor did she get to see me graduate. However, I know that she was looking down on us during those really important days. Smiling without her teeth, wearing her towel tubetop and drinking a cup of coffee!! Gosh, I can't believe how much you can miss a person.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Never cease to Laugh!

While sitting in another scintillating class of Religion and Psychology. I received a text about babysitting yesterday afternoon. Being the broke college student that I am, I wholeheartedly agreed to babysit for a couple hours. This family has three kids, and three kids who CRACK ME UP! Marcus, Luke and Kate. They are three funny children. So, yesterday... here are my stories

Funny story one. Luke wakes up from his nap and looks and me and says " Where is my momma?" I said " She went to the store, but can I have a hug?" Luke goes " No, you can have a hug tomorrow..." I broke his little heart when I said I wouldn't be there tomorrow so he had to give me a big hug today! When I left that afternoon, he said " Ms. Manda, I will see you tomorrow and I will hug you tomorrow again" Then he looked down and said "Oh no!!! You won't be here tomorrow!!!" Awww... He's a hugger so I get lots and lots of hugs before I left.

Funny story number two: Marcus (who is 6) is going to the bathroom... (prepare yourself for what's to come LOL) and he is singing at the top of his lungs. All of a sudden he stops and goes "MISS MANDA I NEED YOU TO COME HERE QUICK!!!"  So I go to the bathroom door and ask Marcus if he's okay. He instructs me to open the door because he need's help. Much to my dismay, I open the door. The smell that wafted my direction was enough to knock me on my feet!!! He said " Miss Manda, I have the runny poop and I can't get it all cleaned up so I need help!" I was so sick from the smell that all Marcus could do was laugh at me. The kid laughed so hard while standing up, he pooped on the toilet seat! So I run and get some baby wipes from his sister's room and clean him up. He finished... and I cleaned him up to find out that his pants were messed up too... I have no idea how!!! So I run back into his room, get him some underwear, and the whole time I'm holding my face inside my hoodie trying not to smell anything... and Luke is yelling " MANDA, MARCUS IS ROTTEN!!! HE'S ROTTEN!!" hahahahahaaha

I love the kids! They crack me up!!! On a separate occasion Luke came up to me and said " Miss Manda, oooo gotta HOOOOOOOGGGEEE booty!" This lovely boy is a whole 3 years old, and he looks at me while saying this. He is being so deliberate with telling me that it's HOOOGGEE.... he sticks his neck out while telling me! I just crack up! Well yesterday every time Marcus was close enough to my butt he would whack it! It cracked me up!! Which it probably shouldn't but it really does....

Even though so much happened in those 3 hours, it really was so much fun. I love spending time with the kids, and I'm even more thankful that God knows what I need in my life more than I do. So, You can never cease to laugh... when things are crazy, or a 3 year old tells you your butt is "hooge" you just have to laugh!!!

Oh How I Love It!!! :)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Adventures in Babysitting in the Snow and Cold.

Today I had to babysit a WONDERFUL nine year old named Josie. She is crazy and excited and keeps me on my toes. She is one of the two girls I babysit. The rest are boys.... anywho... After picking Josie up from school today, after taking a wrong turn to pick her up, the poor thing had a TON of stuff she was carrying with her. So I had to run around Jeepy to let her in. She cracks me up! Well finally I get her home, and much to my dismay Annie the dog was outside. All I could think about was the fact that poor little Annie had been outside all day long in the cold!
So Josie yells "Amanda, get the garage door open, I'll go get Annie" I agreed. So, Annie is being taken care of, and I thought that maybe Josie got in the front door, so I went around because I couldn't get the code to work! Josie, poor thing, attempts to open the door and says "wait, I'll run around the house" Now let me paint this picture for you.... I have a nine year old running around the house, a code that I can't get to work and then a dog that's waiting for me anxiously to get inside. It's quite a sight!!! Alas, due to much persistence... I got the code to go in and we were safely warm inside the house, and Annie was knocked out cold in her doggie bed within 15 minutes.
After about 10 minutes of being in the house, Josie says that we should have a drawing contest. I can't draw to save my life. So my "bunny" turned out to look more like a peep who has decided to mate with a pig. It was the craziest thing I have ever seen. It was quite hilarious. Josie's looked like a sheep... it nowhere near resembled a bunny... but it was fun.
Meanwhile, while we were coloring, their greyhound 4 year old black dog named Dolche decided to poop on the floor. It smelled HORRIBLE, so guess who got stuck cleaning it up! That's right.. ME, THE BABYSITTER!!! hahaha.
Well, it got a little later in the day, Josie was playing on the computer and I was zoned into the Disney Channel which is always on when I watch her, I feel asleep and took a little nap. Not meaning to... it just kinda happened. It scared me because she was in the exact same spot... with the exact same show... underneath a very comfortable blanket that she thought would be good to cover me with.
Now, I am home... underneath another blanket. Watching a crazy interesting show "My strange addiction" it's crazy. This girl eats soap to calm down... Some people do some crazy things!
Well I hope you enjoyed another installment of my crazy life!!! However, I LOVE IT! Oh, How I love It!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The life of me

I love to be a happy person. I love to laugh. I love to cook.  I love to be goofy and laugh with and at people as much as possible! I love children. I love baking. I love doing laundry, and I get a huge satisfaction when I see vacuum lines on my floor when it's been freshly cleaned. I love the Lord and all the blessings he has given me. Never will I ever be able to fully understand all of God's abundant blessings in my life, but everyday that another blessing unfolds is like a great surprise.

So, this blog is my attempt to show the happy in my life with those who want to follow me. I want to show the "Oh how I love it" moments in life! :)

So sit back and relax and enjoy the posts. Comment, laugh, and just enjoy the cards dealt to you while laughing along the way.