Friday, March 4, 2011

What would the world be like if kids got to do whatever they wanted....

Today I spent the morning at a wonderful families house that I have been babysitting at since Benjamin was 6 weeks old. Now another child later, and a full grown 2 year old boy later... It hit me today that I have been babysitting since I was about 12 years old.

In my years of babysitting and many many many families later, I have won many fights with kids. Fights against nap, dinner time, bath, food, clothes,things that are unsafe to play with...and answered the "why" question more times than I can count. In all of this, usually when they are snuggled in bed and I have earned my mulah at the end of the night, when I am driving home, I think... What would the world be like if kids got to do whatever they wanted...

Think on that a minute... I constantly tell the kids not to eat something, not to climb on something, don't hit, don't scream, don't run in the house, put shoes on, leave their underwear on, don't throw a fit... and I have mastered the tuning out. I am currently a "nanny" (kinda, I watch her for 2 full days a week..) for a 15 month old who is the MOST STUBBORN CHILD I HAVE EVER DEALT WITH. My favorite phrase is " I will win!" This girl will put up a fight, let me tell you... If I let her do whatever she wanted to do, she wouldn't eat anything... not a thing except oyster crackers, and only drink milk. She would never nap, and I would be covered in bruises because if she doesn't get her way she goes to hitting! She would run around naked, never wear a diaper, probably ride the dogs backward, and rip the cat's tails off. Here's the thing... she's so cute, I can't help but give her lots of hugs and laugh at her the majority of the time! Which is a good thing. However, she doesn't get her way... I do win! She gets dressed, eats food... eventually..., does not climb on the dogs, leaves the cat's alone, and other things... I just love their little minds and how they work. I cannot even begin to think what life would be like if I let her do whatever she wanted. LOL.... When I leave at the end of the night I always am greatful to sit down for the 5 minute drive home, or to the next house to babysit! I wonder what life will be life when I have my own?!?! kinda makes me laugh...

Funny thing is... I don't have kids, I'm no where near having a family of my own anytime soon. But one day, when God decides that it's my time to procreate, I don't know how much thought I will have to put into being a mom because basically I have been taking care of kids of all ages for the majority of my life! 

What would your life be like if you let the kids in your life do whatever they wanted? I have 4 other families, and a whole lot of kiddies in the urban ministries that I could write about, but I figure I have rambled long enough for one blog. :-)

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