Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The whirl-wind, that has become my Life

Four summers of camp has come and gone, literally in a blink of an eye. Now, I'm onto my first "big girl" job and the responsibility of being an adult is staring me right in the face. Not only that, I'm still....25... living with my parents... *dun dun dun*

Let's talk about that "big girl" job. I am a "caregiver to a kindergartner to a boy on the autism spectrium scale" Fancy right? I know... and it's good money too. However, lets put the fancy words in lamens terms... NANNY. Yep, thats right. N-A-N-N-Y aka... OTHER MOM. aka. you stay here with my kids, feed them, bathe them, do their homework, listen to them scream, while us parents go out for a "meeting". Yes. I love the kids, and no I wouldn't want to be doing anything else, mainly because a) I don't want to go back to school to become "certified" in something, and b) I was going to say easy... but that's not true.

I am going to take you on a trip down memory lane: Day one, I was supposed to get there at 12:00 (NOON0  but I was called to come in at 8:30. So eager Miss Amanda gets to their house at 8:15. On this bright sunny Tuesday, August day... which was my FIRST day, I get introduced to a VERY LARGE supplement regimine, all his cans and can-nots, a half hour bathtime routine, dinner, and bed... most of which ON MY OWN. It's been like this from then on.

I love what I do, it's very rewarding... but at the same time, when I am told "think long and hard about when you have kids" I do. or my favoite " Raising kids is the hardest job anyone could imagine" funny thing is... THAT'S MY JOB! and the majority of the time, I do it by myself. On days like yesterday and today... when the routine (which is oh so important for autism) is messed up it throws everyone out of wack, and it seems like we are never going to get out of it. Persistence is key, stability is key... it's  a shame when the stability is me. I hate that.

Now don't get me wrong. These kids don't want for anything and their mom loves them so much. She will fight to the ends of the earth for her kids. She will beat herself up over a decision that was made, or an action made without thinking... Life goes on... That's my motto.

Kids??? Yes.The oldest, who has autism. Which, he has autism, autism does not have him. He is not definied by autism. We are going to fight this, get him the best care we can, and help him live an independent, healthy, life. Then the youngest, who is much like having 3 kids at once. Her mother describers her as her "beautiful mess" Which is true, she is beautiful, and she is a handfull. An attention seeking, must be first, my-way-or-the-high-way type of leader. Challenging part: her mom and I are the same way. So we all go round and round. Add big brother to the mix, and it's a recipe for frustraton....if you don't know how to control your temper. On a day to day basis, Monday- Saturday I ususally have them myself.

All in all it's a wonderful job, that it would take alot to take me away from. I am learning something everyday, and eventhough, I never wanted to teach younger grades.I'm using my well debted degree in this job. For which, I am very thankful.

Now let me tell you that God story and you will be done reading this ever loving post. I remember this story WHENEVER my days are long. I remember this like yesterday. SO it was week 6 of camp, we were in Albany, Georgia. I had some rough volunteers. It was getting down to 2 more pay checks before I no longer had an income whatsoever. I have a hefty amount of student loans to pay back, and I needed a job. (sometimes I think I need another) My entire team had been praying for me all summer. Other WinShape staff had been praying for me, and I was just getting more and more scared as the time went on. I knew that God had something big planned, but by this time with 2 checks left... both of which belonged solely to Sallie Mae (sidenote: her smart options are NOT smart options). That evening I had finished all of my volunteer stuff, and I was checking my email when I got TWO not one but TWO messages from Care.com, which I had signed up for a long time ago, hoping for at least something. I knew that I could take care of kids, I knew that I was good at it, and I knew that people will pay good money for a good sitter. So I am reading my messages when they both say about the same thing. Both people want to interview me! So, I save the phone numbers, illegally bring my phone to camp, asked permission and called. It was about 40 minutes of me hearing about the kids, talking about where I live, and at the end of the conversation I hear "Amanda, I can't wait to meet you and get started" I was stunned. My Director and Assistant Director were standing in the room as tears welled up in my eyes. I managed a "I'm just as excited" and hung up. A wave of relief washed over me. I wish words could begin to describe the way I felt. It was like nothing ever before. It was like God was telling me the whole time "I've got your back Amanda, just quit being so worried all the time" Later that day I got to celebrate this HUGE victory with the rest of my camp family who was just as excited, and still are.

Now here's the real God story: I knew since leaving Jackson back in May, I would be moving home with my parents. Something that I DID NOT, and Still would rather not be doing. I knew that if I was supposed to stay in Jackson, that God would make a way for it to work.  The family I now work for is the type of family that always has had a "nanny" but they moved to Owensboro for the school system for their boy. Their previous nanny, was leaving a week before I got back to camp. I came at the perfect transtion time because I got there the day before he started school. So, it wasn't a huge change for him. He got a couple days with just his mom and sister, and then I came when he was learning the ropes of school. While picking him up from school one day, and talking with his mom, I asked her why she picked me? She said that she stepped back and asked God that the right person would 'land in her lap' so to speak. And, literally 5 minutes later, I called. Coincidence? I think not. Thanks God, for that reminder every time this gets frustrating or tiring. You are still faithful. Always.

Oh How I Love It!

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