Friday, January 14, 2011

Never cease to Laugh!

While sitting in another scintillating class of Religion and Psychology. I received a text about babysitting yesterday afternoon. Being the broke college student that I am, I wholeheartedly agreed to babysit for a couple hours. This family has three kids, and three kids who CRACK ME UP! Marcus, Luke and Kate. They are three funny children. So, yesterday... here are my stories

Funny story one. Luke wakes up from his nap and looks and me and says " Where is my momma?" I said " She went to the store, but can I have a hug?" Luke goes " No, you can have a hug tomorrow..." I broke his little heart when I said I wouldn't be there tomorrow so he had to give me a big hug today! When I left that afternoon, he said " Ms. Manda, I will see you tomorrow and I will hug you tomorrow again" Then he looked down and said "Oh no!!! You won't be here tomorrow!!!" Awww... He's a hugger so I get lots and lots of hugs before I left.

Funny story number two: Marcus (who is 6) is going to the bathroom... (prepare yourself for what's to come LOL) and he is singing at the top of his lungs. All of a sudden he stops and goes "MISS MANDA I NEED YOU TO COME HERE QUICK!!!"  So I go to the bathroom door and ask Marcus if he's okay. He instructs me to open the door because he need's help. Much to my dismay, I open the door. The smell that wafted my direction was enough to knock me on my feet!!! He said " Miss Manda, I have the runny poop and I can't get it all cleaned up so I need help!" I was so sick from the smell that all Marcus could do was laugh at me. The kid laughed so hard while standing up, he pooped on the toilet seat! So I run and get some baby wipes from his sister's room and clean him up. He finished... and I cleaned him up to find out that his pants were messed up too... I have no idea how!!! So I run back into his room, get him some underwear, and the whole time I'm holding my face inside my hoodie trying not to smell anything... and Luke is yelling " MANDA, MARCUS IS ROTTEN!!! HE'S ROTTEN!!" hahahahahaaha

I love the kids! They crack me up!!! On a separate occasion Luke came up to me and said " Miss Manda, oooo gotta HOOOOOOOGGGEEE booty!" This lovely boy is a whole 3 years old, and he looks at me while saying this. He is being so deliberate with telling me that it's HOOOGGEE.... he sticks his neck out while telling me! I just crack up! Well yesterday every time Marcus was close enough to my butt he would whack it! It cracked me up!! Which it probably shouldn't but it really does....

Even though so much happened in those 3 hours, it really was so much fun. I love spending time with the kids, and I'm even more thankful that God knows what I need in my life more than I do. So, You can never cease to laugh... when things are crazy, or a 3 year old tells you your butt is "hooge" you just have to laugh!!!

Oh How I Love It!!! :)

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