Saturday, June 25, 2011

Camp and God Moments

I have a few stories to share, and I just am so excited about what God is doing  and what he has done in these last three weeks of camp. In three week we have seen 42 children call Jesus Christ their Lord and Savior. It's amazing.
Alec's story:
Week two in Powder Springs Georgia, There is a camper with cerebral palsy. Let me backtrack for a second... a year ago, the mighty green team was going to eat at a Subway, but their credit card machine was broken, so we hopped back into our 15 passenger vans and went across the street to Arbys. There, inside Arbys we met Alec and his family. A couple of guys from our team started talking to him and his family while waiting for our food, and his mother (who was his adopted mother, because Alec was previously in foster care) expressed how she wished he could go to camp like that. Our director told him to come, that he promised it would be a great time and so the next day Alec showed up to camp. Now, onto how God grew this story even bigger this year.... We as a team heard that he was coming back. Alec was going to be in the Alpine!! His mom told us that he was so excited! I was excited just because it was such a good story, and more importantly, it was God's story. So the week goes on, and in one of our meetings at the end of the day we were expressing out cares and our feelings toward him and his family, and we all decided that we wanted to reimburse the family for camp. See, the day before, when Alec was getting dropped off, his mom told us about how they saved all year to send him to this one camp. That when WinShape camps c3 was brought up to him, a smile swooped across his face. The next morning, at registration a gift was donated of $200 for Alec family, my volunteer didn't know why she did it, but just felt that she should. (GOD IS SOOO GOOD!!) As leadership, we still decided that we would open it up to the staff that if they wanted to donate anything to this family then they were welcome to, but it was no pressure. We collected over $700 dollars as a staff. On Friday, at Chick-Fil-A Friday Family Fun Day we gave an envelope to the family...later to learn that the Dad recently lost his job due to illness and hospitalization costs were so expensive without insurance. Alec is needing multiple surgeries, and his poor mother was working all that she could just to take care of the family. It warms my heart to see how much God is doing in the lives of so many campers, beyond what I don't even see.

Satan's attack will not break us down!:
During week 2 we had MULTIPLE people get sick the stomach bug went around. For one day of camp we had 3 staffers missing. Now for the normal person, three people wouldn't make a difference. But in a setting like this we have people that are specifically trained for their jobs, and yes, someone usually can wing it and get by... but camp suffers. USUALLY. Let me tell you... Those 150 campers didn't know that we were staffers down. We have a staff full of people that know how to hold each other up. I swear my team is the epitome of Ephesians 4:29. SO encouraging. All the time, so faithful to Christ, and I am so thankful that we have a heart to ward off the enemy. Last week we were in the dirtiest school full of cockroaches and huge bugs and ants, but that didn't knock us down either. Currently I am nursing a pulled muscle but I'm giving the glory to God because he has something for me to do. He has a volunteer or a camper or a church staff for me to pour into and that's just what I'm going to do. I'm going to love the Lord, rejoice, and keep praying for Joy. God is good all the time. I will NOT LET SATAN WIN!

Please pray for the Green Team. Time is short. HOWEVER... God can do great things through us!!!

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