Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sometimes you just wanna scream!

I didn't make coffee this morning "Why?", I'm not applying to that school, I don't like their mission statement "Why", I think I might move back home after camp this summer "Why?", I made a decision on my own and didn't ask your opinion"Why?",  Why did they wait so long to tell you? Why did your family move? Why does she act like that, why did you sign a contract with them? WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY, WHY!?!?!?!?! SHUT UP!

I hate being asked why, and above all else, I hate being asked WHY by adults (by which I mean those my age and older) Children, I will excuse you because honestly you just don't know. However, I don't feel like I need to explain myself over every little thing! I mean honestly, let me choose, let ME pick, let ME do what I decide. Don't ask my why I procrastinated so much. Don't ask me why I did what I did, or why I can't find a job. Half the time... If I KNEW I would tell you!!!

And here's another thing. I graduated, and I can't find a job. I'm not a "certified teacher" but I have EVERYTHING EXCEPT STUDENT TEACHING... that's it!!! So, lets forget the fact that America needs 100 thousand teachers who can teach Science, English, MIDDLE SCHOOL... but no, let's not give Amanda a job. I don't want to fill out another application, and frankly my printer refuses!

Whatabout that roommate of mine that likes to keep EVERYTHING  a stinking secret, then gets mad when she finds out it's possible to get out of the rent situation! I'm so over her sneaking around. I'm out in May and if she wants the 810/month per rent all on her own... go for it! AND if she wants to find new roommates to control, she can go ahead and try to find them. I fell for her fake act last year, it's not happening again. So wake up and smell the roses please, and realize that a) you are not our mother b) go where you really want to go... and quit acting like school and work is holding you back because c) your other two roommates see through your fakeness.... Sign the papers, call it good, and let's go our separate ways please!!! UGH... 

Alright, rant is over. I apologize to my  faithful readers, for this post not being a "oh how i love it" type of post, but sometimes you just gotta vent! :)


  1. You my dear friend, are a hoot! =)
    I promise everything will all eventually work out, although it seems crazy now. Sometimes God has a funny way of letting us learn things, and showing us down a road we never saw coming! Been there and done that! =)

    I think our crapper of a roommate can shove it! lol I am over it too! I could say more mean things, but I will refrain myself and go watch Teen Mom instead lol! ;)

  2. Jill, when I think of how crappy this year has been with Sara Beth, I am honestly convinced that God gave us each other to lean on! For sure.

    Honestly, thanks for always being my solid rock of encouragement. You will NEVER know how much I needed that. Thanks for letting me sit on your floor and ramble off stories for the kids of the day and then tell you how I need adult conversation. Thanks for getting hooked on shows like "Teen Mom, and Off The Map" with me!!! Thanks for letting me drink your cokes and eat your chips! and thanks for 100% understanding my need for carpet lines on the carpet! :)

    You're the best roommate a girl could ask for! I mean that. We have got to keep in touch when I move back home with my parents, and you should totally come visit!

    BUT, we still have over a month left, so lets rock it out and annoy SB as much as we possibly can while we still can!!!
