Thursday, January 19, 2017

My Lady at the Library and the Mustard Seed

I have a ton of "there was this lady at the library today..." stories. I frequently like to tell my crazy outlandish stories of these characters that I find while taking my clients out in the community. You see things from a different light. You notice things you wouldn't have noticed before. Life is crazy and I like to delight in the crazy. Then, when it's not crazy, there are gems. sweet little tiny heartfelt gems. This gem, is about... my FAVORITE lady I met at the Library back in mid October.

Daviess County Public Library is unlike any other Library I have ever experienced. It allows pretty much everything. Except... sleeping. No kidding. I mean you can eat, drink, talk loud, HECK! I've had a lady cuss up a storm because she dropped her drink and her bike was in the lobby illegally.

It's a magical place!

Okay, Okay...  back to my Lady.

It's mid October, and I am with a participant, participating in the first Thursday of the Month craft. Yes, it's true. Daviess County Public Library has so many activities planned and my favorite was the FREE craft on the first Thursday of the month. So, my participant and I were coloring away, having a great time when my Lady walks up, sits down next to us and we strike up a conversation.

You guys, this is golden, this is my FAVORITE GOD MOMENT LATELY.

My participant goes upstairs to read some books and I continue to color my bowl when she asks me what my job is. I go on to explain that my job is to help adults with special needs feel comfortable within the community. I explained that I didn't feel like this was my forever job, but it was indeed where the Lord wanted me to be. This small conversation led to her telling me about her background and how she thought that she was ready to get back into the world of working again. She explained how she really enjoyed paperwork... (What?) and following the rules and regulations (What, What?) and she did it before when she lived in Mississippi (What, What WHAT??) NO WAY JOSE! Because guess what?! My job was looking for someone to do just that! So I passed on her information to our Human Resources and... well I wish the story ended happy...

MY LADY GOT THE JOB!! Not only did she get the job, she excelled at the job. She caught us up on stuff and she fit right in. It was so great... until two weeks ago.

When we all found out that our branch is closing...

However, we still serve a Mighty Lord who didn't bring my Lady for nothing. We are all really down in the dumps over the recent changes. The dust has sort of settled, and salt is almost washed out of the wounds and we are beginning to recover from a heavy, heavy blow. All 6 of us in Owensboro are continuing on different paths. Some are unsure of their future and some know.

I'm in the unsure boat.

Last week (Which feels like months ago) I was really stressing over the possibly outcome of finding a job. My Lady walks into my office and gives me a necklace that she had been wearing. It has a mustard seed in it. She told me "Amanda, God didn't send us to each other for nothing. There is a reason and you just have to have faith. Even if it's the size of a mustard seed. that's all it takes. Faith the size of a mustard seed"

I was eating dinner today for the first time in a while with my mom, enjoying her company and just thinking about my impending doom when I remembered that "Faith of a mustard seed" I don't need a lot, I just need some. I know that the Lord's ways are better than mine, and I say it all of the time, you guys... God is good. We will never get to know how he works. Or why things turn out the way they do. We are allowed to feel pain and be upset. We aren't robots. I'm so incredibly encouraged by my mustard seed tonight and just remembering that it's a little bit of faith that I need. Not the field worth... one seed.

My boat will float soon, and it will be even more than I ever imagined. God Promised that in Ephesians. Ephesians 3:20"  Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than we can ask or imagine, according to his power at work within us to him be the glory..." It's God's anyway.

My Lady helped remind me that I don't need the field, it's not because I don't believe God enough. It's because he's working things out for his timing. His plan is perfect. I could go on for days...

A mustard seed. Faith of a mustard seed.

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