Saturday, September 29, 2012

Just ask me first...

I spent all week getting my Dad excited that we were going to clean out the garage. For the first time in my life I had the permission to actually yell back at my father if we disagreed on something he needed to throw away. What it was going to come down to was what I wanted to keep and what I wanted to get rid of.

Let me tell you, he has a LOT of stuff.

On Friday morning we woke up, and he had some severe neck pain, couldn't move his neck left, right, up or down. Severe pain. So we ice packed, heat padded and towel wrapped that sucker up. To no avail he didn't start to feel any better, so I took it as my personal duty to clean that garage myself. I went it guns a blazin' and stuff flyin'. It felt great! I successfully donated and threw away a Ford F-150 truck load of stuff we have been holding onto since birth. In fact, I found my easy bake oven!!!

With the help of my wonderful mom we successfully went through each and every box. Probably close to 30 or 40. No joke.

On Saturday I woke up, went to Goodwill, the dump, and Wal Mart all before noon. When I came home I went back to the garage to start the organizational process. I was in the garage from 12:00 till about 2:00 when I came to a stand still with where I could put things, and when my dad is better we will have to go out there together and clean the rest. From there I crushed all of our coke cans, and mowed the back yard. Which we live on an acre (which to some people is nothing, but to us, going from Detroit with no yard to an Acre... it's a big deal).

This long back story to say: I'm tired....But my dad asked for help, so I helped. Which brings me to my point.

If someone asks me to do something, I am going to do it 100 percent. If it's going to benefit them in anyway I am all in. HOWEVER,  I am the exact opposite when it comes to someone volunteering me or telling me to do something that I don't want to do. I have learned the art of being stubborn. I have more importantly learned the wonderful word NO! I said no today and make someone mad. If I had been asked first it might have been a different story. Going to see a band at a bar is not my thing. Granted, I'm plenty old enough to go to a bar, but it's not really my type of crowd... if you catch my drift. Anyway. When called earlier in the week I was REMINDED and told that I should not make any plans for the weekend because I HAD TO GO TO THIS BENEFIT... at a bar... I don't like bars... I also don't like being called bad names. Honestly, my feelings are hurt and there is no reason they should be.

Okay, so now here is where I get my -I have to help everyone because everyone should be happy- self. If I would have said no in the first place that I didn't want to go I would be PESTERED more than I am now. I knew all along that I wasn't going. Since I first heard about it a month ago. I didn't want to go. So instead of say "no that's not really my thing" I half heartedly agreed and went about my days. So today when I was called for my reminder and asked "Your still going? Right!" Where I should have said "NOPE" I simply replied with an "I guess so". So yes technically it's my fault. I should have been honest from the  beginning.

So to spare stupid details, it ended up with words flying that shouldn't have. Not from my mouth... but needless to say my feeling were hurt, and I really don't care. If I would have been asked first instead of TOLD not to make plans or make something that really isn't a priority to me a priority... Doesn't work for me.

I am an adult, and I don't need anyone to tell me what and how to spend my Saturday night. I was perfectly content with staying home and reading. Which is exactly what I did tonight, and I finished another book. I love reading. Better than a bar.

Oh well... Just ask me first.

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