Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The game of Boggle... as compared to my life.

" Our God is greater, our God is stronger, our God is higher than any others... Our God is Healer AWESOME in power!! OUR GOD, OUR GOD" - Chris Tomlin (famous singer) Xaq Matthews (my favorite singer of it)

I cannot believe how much I have heard this song lately. Today was a hard day, career wise, for me today. I so badly, more than anything, want to be in front of my own classroom teaching middle schoolers about the most boring of subjects. I also can't believe how much God is teaching me and molding me and using me for his glory. It scares me to think of the things that might fall apart at any second, but God wants to keep me on my toes. 

God has the power to heal the sick and broken (whoot whoot for Kim's mom!!! For Darrel Manuel. For my Grandmother) God has the power to provide. God has the power to feed 5 thousand people on two loaves of bread and 5 fish from one child's lunch and not a single person was hungry... God provided manna to the Moses' people escaping out of Egypt. He used Moses who had a speech impediment, He used Jeremiah who was young to lead a country. He did things in lives of people I have never met, and yet I feel like my needs aren't as important. I feel like I'm being guilty if I ask for a new car because the transmission and brake booster is dying. Or praying for a job that is perfect for me is selfish because there are so many people out there looking for a job to pay the bills. I have so much to be thankful for, but it's so hard for me to pray for my needs. Which brings me to my life... (pretty intro huh?!?!)

I feel like my life has been a ginormous boggle game... As to which I was on a roll!!! I mean I was finding those 5 letter words and everything was making sense... I knew where I was going! It was good... then, the round was over and my game board was shook up!! Now, I can't read a single word... it's like my life is missing the vowels.... the little pieces that make life work. The job that pays the bills, the car that gets you to that job, the computer that keeps you connected (well that was provided because God is GOOD) the little things. The things that I need to be provided for, are being provided, but here in a few months I will have to pay off college, which is a pretty penny... and I start to regret all of the money I have spent here.

While Saying all of this, I know I sound like I'm not great full... I'm just scared. Really really really scared. I want so bad for things to work out, but I want God's will for my life more, because I know in the end he is going to get the glory.

I spent three hours at dinner tonight with a great friend just discussing God and his awesome plan. I just so badly wish I was a part of it... or could find the vowels in my boggle game. I'm sure to let you know when! :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Some days are better than others... even true in the world of baking!


So around 6:00 pm tonight I decided that I wanted to make some cinnamon rolls. So I did just that. I wrote out the directions, gathered my ingredients and went to baking. 4 hours later I am eating them. However, making cinnamon rolls from scratch... IS NOT WORTH IT! never have I ever made anything that in the end I proclaimed NEVER AGAIN.... today, my friends... (all three followers) I have met my match.... NEVER AGAIN WILL I MAKE CINNAMON ROLLS FROM SCRATCH. :)

Here is my suggestion... go to your favorite grocery store and buy the tube, bake and enjoy. the only thing you mess up in 1 BAKING PAN. Not the counters 4 times, 4 different bowls, and then 3 different cooking thingies. It will be worth it in the end to spend the 3.00 buck-a-roos on the pillsbury  cinnamon rolls! :)

There ya go, Free tip for today, buy your cinnamon rolls... tube and all, bake and enjoy!!! :)


I will be going to get me some next trip to the grocery store!! I just went today and wish that I would have bought some.