Saturday, November 12, 2011

Working with my hands

I have been blessed lately to have multiple weekends off. Which has allowed me to help around the house, ya know, contribute to the household. While shopping with my Grandmother last weekend a discussing about the bathroom came up, and she talked about how she wished that it would just look so much better than it did. Which led to her granting me full permission to do whatever I wanted to the bathroom. Now, our bathroom has a textured wall, and the previous owners were huge fans of wallpaper because every stinking room has wallpaper... It's horrible, but my Grandmother doesn't want to take it down. ( She's a fan of wallpaper too)

So this weekend it has been my personal mission to welcome out 1985 bathroom to the 21st century!

after much deliberation and many many trips to the Home Depot, I got started yesterday. When I finished painting the bathroom today I started reflecting on the things I like to do, and I made a discovery... I like to work with my hands!I like to make things, more-so, I like to see the end results in things. Case-in-point, if I start something I want to be able to see how it is finished. Like crocheting, I love to crochet... I love to bake (that's mainly because everyone that eats it loves it) I truly enjoy cleaning, and nothing brings me more joy than seeing carpet lines on a rug or carpet. I love laundry because you see a mess that is no longer there... you see the end result. I even feel the same about dishes.

So... I think that's why I pick really challenging things to do, like crocheting a blanket that's the size of a queen bed (first one). Or repainting a bathroom... which really really really needed it.

it was a great weekend of realizing more of my strengths. I can't wait to see when it's all done tomorrow!!!